
Through a disappointment with LED control systems CP Solutions has developed its own LED control boards.
CP Solutions currently supplies boards to a wide range of industries including outdoor lighting, super yachts, theatres and TV sets. Many LED control boards have a problem with flickering during fading; this is a major problem for TV
and film. CP Solutions controllers have overcome this problem and have a smooth fade both up and down.

Our LED controllers can be controlled be either a trim pot or almost any control language including RS485 or RS232, DMX and Ethernet.

CP Solutions also has an extensive history of building custom LED products for a wide range of situations from the Xmas in the park Christmas tree, LED star roof for the new kiwi enclosure at the Auckland Zoo which has over 5000 LED’s and 60 x 5m arrows for Shed 10 during the Rugby World Cup and we have installed multiple different controllers in buildings, theatres,
houses and yachts.